Best mac malware scanners
Best mac malware scanners

best mac malware scanners

If you have seen the "Apple Security Center" Web site and have clicked on the "Remove All" button, the site will download an installer file for malware that runs locally on your system. They want to know what they can do to check for and remove the malware. In the past few days since these scams surfaced, a number of MacFixIt readers have contacted us wondering about whether or not their systems are safe after having seen the site on their systems or even downloading the files to their computers. Despite warnings about these new malware attempts, numerous people have fallen for these efforts and have downloaded and installed the malware distributed by these sites. Recently a new series of Trojan horse attempts have targeted OS X users with downloadable malware applications that try to lure you to providing personal information, and with malicious Web sites that trick you into downloading malware onto your systems.

Best mac malware scanners